Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Impressions on B79

    I've been play TFC since around B50 and I have watched a lot of good things happen to the mod over the various builds. I am still coming back to play TFC and I hope that it continues to improve. Not all of the changes are improvements though and I would feel remiss in my complacency if I didn't comment on them. I originally disliked the idea of thatch but after one play through of making use of it to build a small grass hut I completely changed my mind. I thought the grass hut was awesome. Now, though, thatch has gone the way of the dinosaur since who watch to build a structure out of a block you can walk through? Don't want to make a roof out of a block that a spider will just drop through. it is basically useless except as a way of storing grass for making pottery. Such a waste. I loved the idea of Mine Shoring as soon as I saw it in the game. Back then, though, you could shore up a shaft like 6 blocks high and wide. Yes, it was a pain in the butt having to keep making 2 different beams for basically the same job. Yes it was tiresome to have to put each block in place, especially on the top of a high beam. So in theory I like the new changes to the beams. Only 1 style, they stack to 32 and if you place one, it automatically grows up. However they don't seem to get any taller than 3 blocks now which is quite limiting Combine this with the inability to chisel blocks on the sides if they hove stone above them and the increased frequency of cave-ins and you have a recipe for constant mine-failure. I like the idea of the torches that can burn out but in practice it's a pain since there is no lighting alternative. I love the new fishing system, it is more fun that previous fishing systems. I do have one complaint though and that is when you start off at Novice in Butchering you get ridiculously small fish. A 0.1 ounce fish is too small to actually bite the hook. A fish that small is bait, basically. About the size of a sild sardine. We are talking about angling here and there is no way a sardine or a minnow would be able to take the hook and certainly not put ofany fight. I'm not a big time fisherman and I've caught a 6 pound fish in my day. Even the little lady sun-fish are 4-8 ounces minimum. That one issue aside, I do enjoy it more than the vanilla fishing and hope that you continue to improve upon it. It seems to me that in B79 you have implemented Large Biomes and it is causing my particular play through some serious problems. I have searched for many miles (thousands of blocks) and found only 1 boulder only 4 types of stone. Phyllite, Diorite, Slate and finally some schist. A lack of flux stone is a limiting factor that will keep me in the stone age with no leather, no pickling, and no mortar. I've never had so much trouble finding new types of stone in TFC but this time it's really daunting. A few pigs and a pheasant or two are the only animals. no sheep is troubling. No cows is more so. Even horses would be nice. Not that I can make leather, without flux and all, but it would have been nice. I seem to recall that the lack of animals was a issue before that was solved but it may have resurfaced. I am glad to see that the nutrition bars are now more forgiving and are dropping off much slower than in the earlier iterations of B79 (I am using 79.10 now and in 79.0 it was deadly) It seems as though the food Flavor system isn't working any more though. I didn't see a patch note saying it was disabled but I cant seem to fin any food I like for this new play through. In my first B79 game I did notice that at certain cooked levels I liked certain foods. They would change from 'Not Savory' to 'Savory' etc. Now there is no level of cooked-ness which makes any food I've encountered more tasty. If I cook it, all 5 flavors stay 'Not x' until the food is completely gone. I also recall it being said that there were 8 levels of cooked-ness and I only count 6 (Raw, Very light, light, medium, dark, and Very dark) so if it was supposed to be 6, no problem. it's possible that I just don't like fish, pork, cornbread, and sea week since that's all I've found so far but it seems unlikely. (who doesn't like corn bread?) Speaking of food, I guess I'm in a warm region so I don't have any fruit trees or berry bushes and thank you (not) for making it require fruit in order to turn alcohol into vinegar. I liked the new skill system idea but I preferred it when I could actually see the progress (numbers) the new words don't help you to keep a sense of progress. Having both would be much better. The game now seems to start you out at the beginning of summer instead of spring... why I wonder? Pumpkins and Mushrooms have been in MC forever... why haven't they been added to TFC as food yet? Seriously find a way to make them useful. I realize there isn't a lot of food value to a mushroom but if it is an edible variety you do get something out of it, even if it just improves the flavor of a salad A pumpkin, on the other hand will keep you alive for a while. It's basically a giant squash and since you have squash in the game, what gives? Other than a few bugs which I wont bring up here that's my running impressions of B79 I am looking forward to more improvements on B79 and B80 should be hilarious... I'm looking forward to finding out what you guys do with the bunnies